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DISCLAIMER: "Bards of a Feather" makes no express or implied warranties with regard to the information, material, products or services that are made available on or through the website. Access and use of items from above said locations, including information, material, products and services is solely at the user's own risk.

Members of "Bards of a Feather" are not the authors of the files (unless otherwise noted), and do not attempt to claim credit for creating them.

Hans Holbein the Younger - The Ambassadors Official Links
Official LotRO forum entries
ABC file downloads
LotRO music-related plugins
NOTE: plugins are not required for Raymiond's ABC Collection - see "BASIC STEPS..." and "...MUSIC AS A GROUP" below

Other items
ABC info (not LotRO specific)

woman with lute                          BASIC STEPS TO PLAY MUSIC

               (1) Equip a musical instrument

               (2) To enter "music mode", type:

                         /music [ENTER]

               (3) To play an ABC music file, type:

                         /play filename [ENTER]

Gerard van Honthorst - Le Concert           SYNCHRONIZED MUSIC AS A GROUP

(1) Decide which person will play which instrument and part.

(2) Each person equips their instrument and enters "music mode".

(3) Each person types the specific filename for their part.

Example of a four-part arrangement:
SongName w/ (Clarinet, Horn, Lute1, Lute2)

   -- Clarinet player types:
/play SongNameClar sync [ENTER]

   -- Horn player types:

/play SongNameHorn sync [ENTER]

   -- Lute players decide which part, then type:

/play SongNameLute1 sync [ENTER]
          - OR -
/play SongNameLute2 sync [ENTER]

(4) Once all are ready to play, one person will type:

/playstart [ENTER]


  • You must be in the same fellowship or raid to synchronize music.

  • Do NOT forget to include the word "sync" when typing your part for group music to be synchronized.

Frans Hals - Jester With A Lute           PLAYING "LIVE" MUSIC

According to information found on the LotRO forums & Wiki website, it helps to keep music synchronized using the following Audio Options:


  • LOW LATENCY MODE - unchecked