♫  F.A.Q.  ♫

    Theodor Rombouts - The Lute Player
  • Which server do you play on?
    The GLADDEN server (originally on VILYA).

  • Can anyone join?
    Yes, the group is open to anyone that wants to play music. This is not a "kinship only" group.

  • Do you have a uniform?     --<\\\\\>
    We all have our chosen outfits for when we get together, with the one common outfit item being a feathered, brimmed hat (color-dyed to best match your outfit). The exception is formal concerts, when we have matching outfits (example: first Yuletide concert).

  • Do you play "live" or scripted music?
    As a group, we use scripted music (ABC files) for easier synchronization.

  • Is there a set practice schedule?
    No, we gather together to play music when we choose to (typically evenings, N. America time zones). Often we 'flock together'; where there is one Bard, usually more will follow. If a formal event is planned, we will try to meet ahead of time to be sure everyone is set (i.e. instruments ready, same music files, outfits).

    sheet music

  • How was the group started?
    When Raymiond (founder) would meet other players who enjoyed playing music in-game, it was difficult for the musicians "to be on the same page" (pun intended). Often a lot of time was spent just getting ready to play because each player had to be sure to have the same version ABC file(s) of {insert song title}. Inevitably someone had to go to one of the many LotRO ABC music sites, find the correct file and download it.

    To start playing music more quickly with these random music groups, Raymiond created a "music pack" of the ABC files he collected from across the internet (quality songs without ABC file errors, songs that transcribed well into LotRO's music system, and so on), and made it freely available for download.

    Next, Raymiond began to look for a group of players who enjoyed playing music together consistently. To give players a purpose to re-group, the Bards of a Feather
    was formed officially in September, 2008, and debuted at the Baggins' birthdays.

  • Where did the name come from?
    The name, Bards of a Feather, is a pun on the old saying, "birds of a feather (flock together)" and that our group's uniform is a feathered, brimmed hat. The group's name is credited to Garethor. (Thank you, Garethor!)

  • Who are the Traveling Bards?
    When visiting other servers, we have setup a kinship named Traveling Bards to group under. And as always, anyone that would like to play music with us is welcome to without that character having to leave their current kinship.

    The Traveling Bards were once seen wandering on the following servers:

      - Landroval
      - Silverlode

    Gerrit Dou - Still Life With Globe Lute and Books

  • Can you play music for {upcoming event}?
    If given enough notice, we will perform at various occasions (i.e. Middle-earth event, house warming, celebration for a character leveling). Please contact Raymiond or one of the other Bards.

  • How is this music group different than others I have heard in-game?
    Perhaps the main difference is Bards of a Feather was never meant to be a kinship-only music group. It is open to anyone, without having to leave your existing kinship. Also because we are all individuals, you never know what to expect; there could be someone randomly jumping or running off the stage, while others magically disappear only to reappear later (aka connection issues). Our concerts are often impromptu as "we wing it" and have an organic feeling about them. No two shows are alike.

  • Your music selection is {dumb, stupid, other word}.
    That's the wonderful thing about music - there are many styles to choose from depending on your mood. We are open to music suggestions to be added to our ever changing song list.

  • Why does Raymiond still use individual files and other older methods? What about plugins?
    The thought behind Raymiond still teaching and using the original methods "from the First Age" is: Keep it simple.

    The hope is that the game's music system shouldn't be so intimidating that it deters someone from trying it. It's one of the game's features that really helps set it apart from other similar games, and Raymiond would like to see it be available to anyone, no matter their technical prowess.

    When introducing new methods, questions asked are: "How does this affect a new player?" and "Can someone still learn to play music easily?". If it impacts how approachable the music system is, then it can wait.

    Individual files versus All-in-one files:
    When it comes to using individual files (versus all-in-one files), naming them by the song name along with the suggested instrument helps to enforce a player has equipped the preferred instrument. Also because Raymiond has collected ABC files transcribed by many individuals over the years, transcribers have often assigned different numbers to the instruments. Using a word is easier to understand than trying to figure out which number corresponds to which instrument. (See the next F.A.Q. question below for further information about filenames and instrument designations.)

    Typing out commands versus plugins:
    Just like using individual parts that have preferred instruments in the file name to help remind a person which instrument to equip, having a person type out their song part to play helps enforce them learning the basics of the music system.

    What about those who already know what they're doing?
    Another reason Raymiond encourages typing out the commands to play music is to help keep people engaged with the act of playing music. Like in raid instances, where every person is actively working together to accomplish a common goal and to have each person "hit their mark" at the key moment to do this, playing music is similar. Each person has to work together towards the goal of playing a song in sync. Typing is a way to help keep someone's focus on that goal.

    What about using a plugin?
    When it is a single player trying to get several characters (aka "alts") ready to play a song, using a plugin to sync up their music group can be quicker. But when it comes to keeping the music system simple and approachable for new players, explaining how to install a plugin, how to build out their song library, how to use the plugin, all adds to the complexity of learning music and could possibly be overwhelming. Instead, teach the new person the basics, get them playing music, and have some fun. Other things can be learned over time.

  • Which instrument is used for which filename in Raymiond's ABC Collection?
    The filenames use the following instrument designations:
      ...Ages  -  lute of ages
      ...Bardic  -  bardic fiddle
      ...Bass  -  basic theorbo
      ...Clar  -  basic clarinet
      ...Cowbell  -  basic cowbell
      ...Drums  -  basic drum
      ...Fiddle  -  basic fiddle
      ...Flute  -  basic flute
      ...Harp  -  basic harp
      ...Horn  -  basic horn
      ...Lonely  -  lonely mountain fiddle
      ...Lute  -  basic lute
      ...Misty  -  misty mountain harp
      ...Pibgorn  -  basic pibgorn
      ...Pipes  -  basic bagpipe
      ...Soon  -  basic bassoon
      ...SoonBR  -  brusque bassoon
      ...SoonLM  -  lonely mountain bassoon
      ...Sprightly  -  sprightly fiddle
      ...Travellers  -  traveller's trusty fiddle